A downloadable game

In this game,  Roberto, the spectacled bear, travels in his boat through different rivers of Colombia which had been contaminated for years with different types of trash and other elements. Help Roberto clean up these rivers using different types of tools for specific types of contamination in each river. 

this game applies two diversifiers:

Mi Raza - Game focuses on a cultural subject of your country - folklore, mythology, tradition, food, landscape, etc.
In this game we travel through different rivers of Colombia, we also placed some statues at the bottom of the river as a reference to the san agustin culture. 

Zoology - Game features an animal meaningful to your country.
This game, is starred by Roberto, the spectacled bear, a character from the Ecotroopers IP. 

All the tools can be turn on and then turn off by tapping over them.

Harpoon: Tap on the harpoon shooter to activate it, then tap on the trashbags to shot at them (the idea was to catch them but we have to set for a simpler mechanci for now)

Magnet: Tap on the magnet to turn it on, then tap on the barrels, it will stop the barrels. then make a swipe from the barrel to the magnet until it makes it to the boat. 

Vacuum cleaner: Tap on the vacuum to turn it on. then swipe over the oil spills to vacuum them up. 


Salva el rio.apk 48 MB

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